Friday, September 11, 2009

How The Anniversary Of The Battle On The Plains Of Abraham Will Be Used To Stoke Separatism

Battle On the Plains Of Abraham. Image from Wikipedia

Bonfires To Honour Battle Unites Split In Quebec -- The Globe And Mail

Amid the controversy dividing federalists and sovereigntists over the festivities marking the 250th anniversary of the British conquest of New France on the Plains of Abraham, at least one event is uniting people regardless of their political beliefs.

On Sept. 13, the date in 1759 that British General James Wolfe defeated the French army to establish British rule in what is now Quebec, at least 30 communities will stage commemorative bonfires marking the scorched earth tactics the British army used to destroy settlements along the St. Lawrence River.

Read more ....

My Comment: The above Globe and Mail piece has a title that does not match with the content in the article. It talks about how the 250th anniversary will use ..... Bonfires to honour battle unites split in Quebec.

Hmmmm .... sounds very good .... until you read the entire piece.

In short ....

To commemorate this anniversary, bonfires will be lit to symbolize how the English soldiers burned down French communities along the St. Lawrence River, and how the widows of 7,000 men (a figure that seems to be grossly exaggerated to me) had to flee into the forest (to escape being raped I presume), while the English sacked their lands and burned their homes.

Yup .... this commemoration is going to unite the two halves of Quebec.

Of course, the Globe And Mail reporter ignores the fact that many of these communities were set up to resist the English .... which they did .... and the English had to burn them down so that their flank would then not be exposed. A point that the Globe completely fails to mention .... OK .... maybe military history and tactics is not this reporters forte.

But he ignores the big picture, which is that the events that are now being organized by many in the separatist community to commemorate this anniversary have no intention to unite the Province .... instead .... they want to parcel out history according to their own interpretation, and to stoke resentment and hatred against the English.

This Globe and Mail article is trying to give the impression that Quebec communities are working hard to unite with each other .... that's a laugh. The French Separatist community has no intention of working with the other side .... their intention is INDEPENDENCE. They have hijacked this 250th anniversary to serve their political own agenda .... and the media in English Canada is asleep.

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