Saturday, December 19, 2009

Quebec Blogger Surprises By Revealing He's A She

Image: A Quebec copy writer found work income doubled after she took a man's name. (CBC)

From The CBC:

Male name better for business, freelance writer finds.

A well-known Quebec blogger has revealed she's actually a woman who took a male name because she suspected it would be better for her web-development and copywriting business.

Her decision proved correct.

James Chartrand, who operates the website Men with Pens, said that when she wrote as a woman, she struggled to get freelance jobs and found herself making less than minimum wage.

Read more ....

My Comment: I am skeptical. I am in the business .... and I am always contracting out work. Before giving a contract ... I also make sure that I have met the contractor, and verified that they are capable of doing the work. Women ... man .... it makes no difference. What makes a difference is price and date of delivery .... and that's how they get a contract.

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